Community Debate- Civil War Memorials
Sean Davis
J. Pepper Bryars stated that these statues of soldiers aren't of Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee, they are simply soldiers and sailors, many of whom lie in unmarked graves. No matter who led them, they deserve to be remembered and honored. Anything less then that, we as people dishonor our selves.
LeeAnna Keith proposed a more progressive solution, by showing our history at its best, putting memorials celebrating the work of lawyers or missionaries. Simply someone with a positive impact on society fighting for their own just cause.
David Person says people need to take down the confederate flag , as its a symbol of oppression of black people in the U.S. for over a century. He uses a quote by Dr. Abel Bartley, "They wanted to hold on to slaver," he said. "Don't tell me that it's about heritage. It is about heritage: the heritage of holding slaves." He ends his article expressing that the actions done by people under the banner of the confederate flag, can't be supported by Andy christian in the world.
I see the validness in all the arguments from Bryars, Keith, and Person. I agree the most with Keith as history should be represented and we should never forget our history, good or bad.
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