19th Amendment Arguments Research
Sean Davis
Sean Davis
Create a blogpost (min. 2 paragraphs) that summarizes what you learned about this topic:
What arguments were put forth in favor of giving women the vote? Why do you think these arguments were put forth? That is, to whom might they have appealed? Which seem to have been based on principle, and which on practical 'selling' of the idea of the Amendment? Identify any famous people associated with these ideas.
What arguments were put forth for denying women the vote? Consider the reasons for these arguments.
Here are the reasons why Women Should Vote. It is fair and right that those who must obey the laws should have a voice in making them, and that those who must pay taxes should have a vote as to the size of the tax and the way it shall be spent. The moral, educational, and humane legislation desired by women would be got more easily if women had votes. New York women have worked in vain for years to secure a legislative appropriation to found a state industrial School for Girls. Colorado women worked in vain for one till they got the ballot; then the Legislature promptly granted it. Laws unjust to women would be amended more quickly. It cost Massachusetts women 55 years of effort to secure the law making mothers equal guardians of their children with the fathers. In Colorado, after women were enfranchised, the very next Legislature granted it. After more than half a century of agitation by women for this reform only 13 out of 46 States now give equal guardianship to mothers.
These are the reasons why people argued for why women shouldn't vote. 90% of the women either do not want it, or do not care. It means competition of women with men instead of co-operation. 80% of the women eligible to vote are married and can only double or annul their husband's votes. It can be of no benefit commensurate with the additional expense involved. In some States more voting women than voting men will place the Government under petticoat rule. It is unwise to risk the good we already have for the evil which may occur. All of these reasons are clearly absurd.
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