Dinner Menu (Pt. 3)

Dinner Menu

Sean Davis

Image result for Chelo-Kabab
Chelo Kabab is considered the national dish of Iran, served with rice. In Argo, the characters spend plenty of time in Iran, this is a very common meal there.

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Tony Mendez (portrayed as Ben Affleck) is seen drinking bourbon whiskey multiple times in the film, showing his American side as bourbon whiskey is produced from in the United States.
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Water, commonly served at all dinner parties.

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Montreal Styled Smoked Meat, This Entree is from Montreal Canada. The connection to Argo, the escapees living at the Canadian embassy ate Canadian cuisine to portray as a Canadian, not an American.

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Rye Bread is commonly served with Montreal styled smoked meat.

Image result for Pudding Pop 1980
Pudding Pops was a desert that defined the 1980s, Argo took place in 1980. This was very popular in 1980, marketed by JELL-O.
